Saturday, March 31, 2012

Did you like my SacBride cover picture? Here are more from Meghan's Lake Tahoe Wedding!

Today I am starting a Tahoe Wedding Photography theme for today and a few posts next week...
 here is my SacBride cover picture (on stands now!!!)
BUT I wanted to share a few more of my favorite formals from Meghan and Scott's Lake Tahoe Wedding! I will post a full blog of her wedding in the future...PROMISE!!!

This was chosen as today's "Daily Shot of JOY!"
I really don't have a whole lot of commentary for I will let the pictures speak for themselves!

Thank you for checking out another Tahoe Wedding!!!
Happy Wedding Planning!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Daily Shot of JOY!!! Another Happily Ever After...Jen and Thomas!!!

I like to call these prego posts "Happily Ever After!!!"
These are past brides and grooms that I photographed their wedding and I LOVE capturing their GROWING families!

I am posting this today because tomorrow I get to meet this precious baby girl! She is having her first appointment with me in the am! SO in celebration of are her belly shots and...

Here is the link to the whole shoot over on my baby blog:

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chris and Victoria's Wedding on the blog!!!

I have been so busy with finishing up last seasons weddings and then the holidays...I have only had time to blog short posts like pics of the day and wedding ideas BUT....I spent ALL day uploading a FULL wedding for ya to make up for it!

I picked Chris and Victoria's wedding because
 I have selected it to be a part of SacBride's magazine next season. So as I was picking the pics to use out, I decided to post their wedding (finally!!!)

I love finding a fancy card at each wedding that family or friends have is personal and beautiful.

I love how I photographed the dresses in this wedding. They were I pulled of the plastic and there you have it...perfect!

Victoria LOVED all the wedding idea's I posted on my blog before her wedding...the next few pictures are some of them. She was so excited they could be finished prior to her wedding!

Maybe it's just me BUT I really like this picture!

These are my favorite getting ready pictures...



Dina met up with the guys and took these pictures... 

  Dina took this one...I think it is my favorite!!!

I loved this picture because this is Chris and his father....there are about 4 pics of this and in EVERY step...they are in total sync with each other!!!

Here are a few favorites of the ceremony...

This one is too cute...Chris covered his microphone
 so no one could here what they were saying to each other...

On to the formals...these were done on the golf course...

LOVE LOVE LOVE these on the bridge!!!

We stopped off to take a few on the tracks...

These 3 look like a little of LOVE!

I love these beautiful decorations...

Now because I am a San Fransisco GIANTS fan...I LOVE this board!

Each table was numbered after a GIANTS player...and the middle one was Coach Bruce...

They used their Giants engagement pictures on the tables too...

  I think this is my favorite cake ALL year!!! (Go Giants!!!)

Thank you for checking out today's LONG blog post!

Happy Wedding Planning!!!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Here is my "Daily Shot of JOY!!!"

I have been WAITING and WATCHING the magazine stands for months!!!!
MY COVER is on stands NOW!!!
It's the Sacramento Bride and Groom magazine in the middle!!!
I saw it while grocery shopping at Bel-air!!!
(For those in Elk Grove...Laguna/Franklin Bel-air!!!!)

Here is the original...

Happy Wedding Planning!!!