Here is the wedding story of Ali and Greg! I love this couple! I loved them the first time I meet them but man did they REALLY interview me! They were VERY thorough in picking their wedding photographer...they asked me questions I had NEVER been asked before, one being what my prices were for family pictures and what kind of baby portraits do I take. They said they wanted to hire a wedding photographer that they would want to have photograph their future family...I got an email about 4 months ago that Ali was pregnant with as they lovingly refer to as "Baby Squeak"! We already have a pregnant shoot set up and I am going to the hospital a few hours after Baby Squeak arrives to photograph him/her for the first time!!! (I actually know which one it is but they are keeping it a secret for some family I have to BE VERY CAREFUL how I refer to him/her!!!) Please enjoy the post as I enjoyed this couple. I chose the pictures carefully, there are some BEAUTIFUL formals included, BUT I tried to mostly pick pictures that showed their emotion moments of the day. Enjoy!

You kinda had to be there to understand the meaning of this...Ali was applying this lipstick right before the ceremony and the name of the color was "paranoid"...we had a few laughs about that!

Ali had VERY different and interesting shoes!!!!

One of my favorites captured of the day...

Another favorite...

...I think one is actually my REAL favorite....