Here is another great engagement shoot in Old Sacramento...I just love the architecture of EVERYTHING here! A plain wall becomes a background that is just awesome! This lovely couple is Sarah and Rob they are getting married in May 2011. This couple was definitely looking for me to capture the FUN in them. They had originally wanted to do their engagements at the California State Fair but hadn't picked their photographer until after it ended. Then when they hired me we considered Marine World or Monterey Bay..but when they emailed me with their choice of location it was Old Sacramento (which anyone who follows my photography knows that I love photographing here!) So I knew the couple was looking for FUN...I wanted to capture them having FUN! AND when two people are in love...doesn't matter where you are right??? Enjoy the following sneak peek!
One of my favorite of Sarah...she just looks fab!
These next few I love and set it up so that I could capture the bride and groom's expressions, paying not so close to the background here..just the couple...
Just LOVE these...this wall always produces my favorite of a shoot!!!
Ok now these are FUNNY...I told Sarah that I wanted her to jump on Robs she started backing all the back..I said "Sarah...I don't think you should actually RUN and jump on Rob!" So we had a few good laughs while Sarah was deciding how she was going to get up on Rob!!!
Now here Rob was having his own fun showing us how strong he was before lifting Sarah up into the "DIP"!!!
Just a few more intimate photographs...
We actually ran into the owner of the building right before shooting here...he mentioned he has spent alot of money in the look of this building..I told him I personally thank him for that...because it is just stunning!

I told them to just do here you go...something!
These are kinda my alot of the other pictures Rob isn't visible as much as Sarh is...with all the snuggling with Sarah he tended to kinda avoid the camera...that happens sometimes when you have a couple that just does what they usually do and do it so well even though I camera is stuck in their face...but these I like because it's the first GOOD look at the handsome groom!
Here are the swing pictures...everyone has to do the swings!
And then here we finish up 400 pictures...yes 400..and thanks to Rob who was a trooper..all the way up to this spot!!! But hey...any man who can last 350 pictures for their woman is a good man in my book! Thanks guys for a wonderful shoot!!! I look forward to meeting all the family and friends in May!!!