Thursday, March 6, 2014

Amy and Sonny's Wine & Roses Wedding

Wine & Roses is one of the prettiest venues around...but the details that a bride adds to an already beautiful venue makes a very big difference. From the flowers, the reception details, the flowers down the isle and even Amy's beautiful jewelry just make this wedding beautiful and so personal.

 I will start with the getting ready details...

Amy stunning in her beautiful dress...

 This is just about the most beautiful jewelry of any wedding this year... 

We can't leave out the guys...

Sonny and Amy decided to see each other before their garden ceremony so we did a beautiful first look in front of the doors where their ceremony would take place a few hours later...
I love these...Just love her walking up behind him.

 Caught a cute shot as we headed off to find the wedding party...

This is one of the draws of this venue and we got some really great pictures around this fountain...

These two just had a quietness between each other that was just beautiful...they just connected together for our pictures so well. Neither of them thought they were good picture takers and they both were a bit worried about it. As soon as we started we assured them what we were getting was just stunning!!!

When you are photographing a big group with a fountain... and you want the group (obviously) AND the fountain in can be a bit tricky and awkward to be honest. 
As you can see in this first get everyone in it without blocking or separating poses a little bit of a "what should I do about this".

But I had this really good idea, something we do with baby photo's quite often, putting the focus in front and blur out the as you can see in the next group of pictures, they turned out quite beautiful. Going to use this a go to for fountain type backgrounds!!!

Here are a few shots of Amy alone...

 If you are familiar with Wine & Roses, this is not the usual way a ceremony faces. 
It usually faces towards the same direction of the pictures above of Amy.
It was a very short by sweet ceremony, only lasting about 15 minutes!

 On to the reception...
The details, flowers and just the room are just beautiful.

The introductions...

The cake ...

The first dance pictures are always some of my favorite...

Father daughter dance...

Mother son dance...

Amy has a very quite disposition, except for when on the dance floor!!! 

A few last details...

I hope you enjoyed this post!!! Thanks for viewing!!!

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