Thursday, December 29, 2011

Picture of the Day - 12/28/11

Here is my VERY quick post of my Picture of the Day! (It is already almost 3am on 12/29/11!!!) I haven't been posting because I have been taking the holiday off to spend time with my family!!! I will try to post a few extra posts in the coming days to make up for it!

For is my Picture of the Day...this was taken this past October in Old Sacramento...I love the feel of this photo...and I put a vintage tone on top of it to make it even more old fashioned!!!

Friday, December 23, 2011

My SacBride Magazine COVER has arrived!!! AND a look back 10 years.... is finally here!!! The SacBride magazine in which my picture graces the cover has arrived!!! (REMINDER: This cover will not arrive in stores OR online until around MARCH!!!) Thought I would take a picture of them in the box I got them in.  It has been about 5 years since these boxes have been arriving at my doorstep...WISHING the cover this year would FINALLY be mine!

Last year I came close...tied for third place. That was actually very significant in a less obvious way, and only to me. So I will share the reason with you...

Before I started advertising in SacBride 5 years ago, I was looking through the magazine and thinking HOW cool it would be to have my pictures in there. And who is this photographer I KEEP SEEING ALL OVER??? I have to admit, I was a bit jealous...will I ever be that GOOD??? Well can you take a wild guess at WHO I TIRED FOR THIRD WITH???? YES YES was her! So even though it was a tie AND 3rd it held a meaning for me of an accomplishment...not the 3rd place part, but to be honest...more about where I am this a company and a business.

So as I was taking a look back at Christmas cards and letters of the past, I came across a letter I wrote and sent out to friends and family TEN years ago announcing my NEW BUSINESS venture into photography.  It had an adorable picture of my oldest (she was about 5) in her little ballet outfit during dance class in black and white. Along with the picture I had the lyrics of a new-ish song at the time, "I Hope You Dance".

In the spirit of Christmas and beginning a new is to a look FORWARD. I will post my youngest daughter, now 5, in her ballet outfit, this past month, at her first dance recital. AND my favorite parts of the lyrics the "I Hope You Dance" song. Here is to 10 more years and to YOUR endeavors in this coming new year! EnJOY!!!


May you never take one single breath for granted

Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens

Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances but they're worth taking

Don't let some hell-bent heart leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out reconsider

Time is a wheel in constant motion always
Rolling us along
Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder
Where those years have gone

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance

I hope you dance....



Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Picture of the Day - 12/20/11 - Justin and Michele DANCIN' their first dance!

I chose this picture as my picture of the day today because I just love
 how the camera paused their dancing in motion!
 I added a few more to show because they just all flow together!

I added a few more to show because they just all flow together!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Picture of the Day - 12/13/11 -" Like Father...Like Son"

I know this is a little off from the normal picture I post...BUT it is all about capturing the "moments" right?

Well ... check out this walk of a father and son "moment by moment"...
they are walking exactly....the same! 
It made me smile! This was just a few minutes before marrying the lovely Victoria!

It reminds me of when my family was in Disneyland and I saw my dad and brother walk away and my mom said, "Look...they look exactly the same walking!"
A moment I remember from more then 20 years ago!

(Here are the 3 pics of the day!)

Sunday, December 11, 2011


I chose this picture as my "Picture of the Day" for today because...well...because it is awesome! I love the sun streaking in and the rainbow...the LAST time I had a perfect rainbow like this, that I captured in a photograph was when I did their engagements! LOVE when the sun invades my photography!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Picture of the Day - 12/05/11 - Cool and Funky Lighting in the Sun

I love this first picture of Ashleigh and Steve. The yellow train just stood out! 
It is one of my favorite's of their photo shoot in Old Sacramento. That is why I chose it for today's
"Picture of the Day"

Ashleigh liked a picture of a couple walking hand in hand focusing on the hands..
so we recreated it here on the tracks.

This is one of my favorite's with this cool sun streaks!!! SUN STREAKS our my favorite!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Picture of the Day - 12/04/11

Here is my picture of the day today! I know...I have missed a few! I have been so busy finishing a few more weddings up before Christmas AND doing family shoots for Christmas!
Maybe I will post extra tonight or tomorrow! We will see!

So here is Justin and Michele...Picture of the Day...too cute!